Member-only story
Working out while cooped up
Some quarantine-worthy workouts from friends, coworkers, and personal experience
“If you don’t have the time to be sick, you must make the time to be well.”
— Some storefront on Charles Street that I saw years ago that applies now more than ever
2020 began with certain health and fitness goals: to be in top shape for some major jiu-jitsu tournaments, start up a consistent strength and conditioning routine. Needless to say, the hand of God, wrath of science, whatever you’d like to call this pandemic, compelled some of those goals to change. The current public health situation health situation cancelled all the tournaments for which I’d signed up and the momentum I’d developed with strength training is indefinitely suspended. Maybe next year, Pan Ams, and Boston Sports Club, I never thought I’d miss you.
Like most people, save for trips to the supermarket and runs outside, I’m spending my quarantine largely indoors. The apartment confinement makes it all too easy for me to spend the entire day watching TV or scrolling Instagram and having my only exercises be walking to the cabinet, putting food in a bowl, and moving a fork to my mouth.
While I’m not a fan of working from home becoming the new (and hopefully temporary) normal, I’m lucky to work for a fitness tech company and to have lots of friends who prioritize exercise in their lives. Thanks to a number of colleagues and peers, as well as my own…